Monday, December 8, 2008

Rove, Rove, Rove your boat

Now this is rich.

Public enemy number one, Karl Rove, the man who gave you Bush, II, is going to name the names of those who didn’t see George as being a “legitimate” commander in chief when the got to the White House in 2001.

Pause for effect.


You can’t get that many names in an e-book, let along a paper-and-glue tome.
Rove revealed his intention today to CNN that he was going to write a book telling about how nasty “Washington insiders” were to he and George.

If you ever wondered just how someone who met George Bush would think, “this man would make a great U.S. president,” it looks like Rove is going to finally answer that question.

More interesting would be a list of names and tales about those who really thought he was presidential material, even after The Decider got his show up and running. What a piece of blackmail that book would be.