Thursday, April 30, 2009

isn't worried that Joe Biden says we're all going to die. He just means someday.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

HAH! It wasn't a likely robber with his hoodie up in north Aurora, maybe just a guy with a Swine Flu mask. Cops still investigating.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm such a hypochondriac. I have Swine Flu symptoms. Good thing it's not a hemorrhoid pandemic.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cheney unhappy Obama apologizing for agonizing Bush years. I'm unhappy Cheney won't see jail time for his misdeeds.

Who's sorrry now?

You've got to admit, whether you love or hate former veep Darth Cheney, the man has nerve. On Fox News, which is more of an oxymoron than ever, Cheney told Sean Hannity that he was unhappy that President Barack Obama was wandering all over the world apologizing for the mess Cheney and his little buddy caused.

That would be messes. Many of them.

"I don’t think we’ve got much to apologize for," Cheney told Hannity, with a straight face no less.

Naaaah. The Skipper and Curious George, only started one of the most expensive and disruptive wars in history under false pretenses, ruined the world's economy, held up any progress on dealing with global warming, saddled the world's leading economy with unprecedented debt, allowed grave situations in Africa to become catastrophic, seriously damaged U.S-Russian relations, ignored humaitarian crises in Haiti, infuriated the entire Muslim world and let the real Sept. 11 terrorist in chief, Osama bin Laden, get away.

Apologize? We should apoligize for having elected Tweedle One and Tweedle Two, not once, but twice. We should throw ourselves on the mercy of the world court for what we allowed them to do the planet for eight years.

Cheney, however, would do well to keep from drawing attention to himself and how prudent it would be to bring criminal charges against him. But then he wouldn't be the man he used to be.

Friday, April 17, 2009

is choking in Texas Toast and G. Rick Perry's two-step.

Texas toast?

You gotta love Texas Governor-turned-Emperor Ricky Perry's Texas Two Step. During his do-si-do with neo-cons at a big Tea Party event on April 15, he played to a crowd calling for secession from the United States.

Now how un-American is all that? Texas Republicans were at the front of the line in Washington to saddle the United States with the biggest debt in the country's history, they worked hard to destroy the economy, lock us into the most expensive war ever and generally make the world hate us. Now, a new administration has come to clean up the mess and keep the country from seeing its citizens starve to death, homeless in the streets, and folks no longer want to pay the taxes the Republican president and Congress saddled us with. And Texas wants out of the union.

If these were Obama or Hillary supporters at these events, it'd be called treason. Letting Texas take its hate state mentality on the road seems like a pretty good idea at this point.
feels sorry for the trees that leafed early in March, froze, releafed last week and are losing new growth again. Forget any apples in Denver

Thursday, April 16, 2009

For the second time in weeks, Texans are talking about secession. I don't hear any objections.
just finished Ken Follett's "Pillars" novel. Kind of an Atlas Shrugged set in Medieval England or "Ye Old Days of Our Lives. Don't bother.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I wonder if Martha Stewart and Joe Nacchio might share an inside joke on all of this some day.